The Role of Nanotechnology in Achieving Environmental Sustainability to Reduce the Effects of Climate Change

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University


Global warming of the Earth's average surface temperature in the 
wake of the Industrial Revolution has overwhelmed the 
productivity of the ecosystem, and thus negatively affected the 
economy. In addition, human activities such as burning fossil 
fuels, deforestation, and transportation, excessive use of 
electricity and use of aerosols are responsible for increasing the 
Earth's surface temperature.
In this framework, global warming refers to the long-term 
warming of the Earth, while climate change refers to a wide 
range of global phenomena that have arisen mainly due to longterm warming, which include changes in the frost-free season, 
precipitation, melting glaciers, and the rise in the level of The 
sea, more droughts, heat waves, hurricanes. Based on the 
foregoing, it is likely that the continuous increases in temperature 
will increase public concern about climate change in the future.
This paper seeks to highlight the key aspects in the development 
and innovation to provide many important applications of 
nanotechnology in renewable energy systems. 
And the application of environmental nanotechnology solutions 
in climate sustainability. 
